For Attention of Users & Visitors to the Puffin Hydrotherapy Pool
In 2020, you will be aware, due to COVID, there was no access to the pool for some time.
When restrictions started to lift, we were allowed to open the pool but had to limit the number by 50% for each session. Unfortunately, although our income was significantly reduced, our costs were not.
As a not for profit charity, in order to stay afloat (no pun intended!), the Board had to take the difficult decision to increase the session charge. We know this hit hard. We gave a commitment that we would try and reduce the cost when the pool was fully open and things returned to more like normal.
The cost of energy and general cost of living charges have meant that we have not be able to reduce the session costs as quickly or by as much as we had hoped. We know that this has affected you all and perhaps as a result, the numbers attending the pool has not returned to pre covid levels. We have had to reduce some sessions which have not been widely used, we know this is disappointing, but we cannot afford to run sessions for very small numbers.
However, some good news!
We would like to trial some sessions at a reduced cost to our users. We hope this will enable some to return to the pool and some to have more frequent sessions.
From 1 April 2023, the following sessions will be at a reduced cost of £5 a session, a reduction of £3 per session.
Monday 10.30am
Tuesday 17.30pm
Thursday 12.30pm and 13.30pm
We have also increased our physiotherapy assessment sessions and are now able to offer timely new assessments and re-assessments.
We really hope that this trial helps to increase our numbers as we know the benefits our users gain from the pool. If successful, we would like to retain and possibly extend the reduced cost sessions, but we cannot do that unless the number of attendances increases, so please spread the word!
We would like to thank all the users and visitors to the pool for your continued and outstanding support, we really appreciate it.
The Board and Staff
For Information
The pool is a not-for-profit facility
The income from the pool only covers just under 22% of running costs
The balance comes mainly from charity shop income and donations.
The Board are all volunteers, none of whom receive any reimbursement for time or services provided.
Our Charity shop is run by a paid manager and a team of wonderful volunteers.
Our Pool is run under contract, by the fabulous Highlife Highland team.