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Support Us

The Puffin Pool is a Public Limited Company (SC133596) and Registered Charity (SC017786). 


After raising the funds to build the Puffin Pool we have continued to raise funds to maintain and improve the Pool and subsidise the entry charge.

Apart from small grants from NHS Highland and The Highland Council, our main income comes from user charges and our own fundraising.


Put simply, the Pool relies on continued fundraising.


We are lucky to have good support from a large number of sources including donations and legacies from Pool users and their friends and families, local businesses, as well as from local fundraising events like the Highland Cross, Rotary Street Fair, and an annual Fun Run.  Our major fundraising comes from our popular and successful Puffin Pool Shop in Tulloch Street.


As well as normal maintenance and replacement of equipment, a major overhaul of the Pool plant was required in 2019 at a total cost of £60,000.  This was to ensure the Pool remained open for future years, continuing to provide access to those who require the available services.  Raising £60,000 was a huge task and the Puffin Pool Board was delighted to announce on 12th June 2019 that, taking into account both the money that had been received and funds pledged to the Puffin Pool, the fundraising target of £60,000 had been achieved and the work was completed later that year.  The Board were extremely grateful to all those who donated so generously. This included not only pool users, but organisations and supporters throughout the community including e.g. Highland Cross, EDF-ER Corriemoillie Contin Community Fund, Lifescan Scotland, Bank of Scotland foundation, Harry Gow Bakery, Johnny Hen's family and many more.


However, our normal fundraising efforts continue and we ask that you continue with your support.  To get some ideas about how you could do this please have a look at our Supporters page to see the amazing range of events that have already taken place or are planned.

We are a charity which is very dependent on the donations we receive to be able to continue to provide our services and appreciate any help that you can offer. We have a number of ways that you can make a donation on line as follows:-

We have registered with this online donation site. 


You can access the website by using the link in the heading above or the button below.

You can now support Puffin Hydrotherapy Pool when you sign up as a supporter. 4,500 shops and sites will donate for free, every time you shop online. This includes all the big names like eBay, John Lewis & Partners, Argos, ASOS, Expedia, M&S, Just Eat and many more!?


Please click on the link above or button below to find out more.





Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer.  If you Gift Aid your donations we can claim back from the government 25p for every £1 you donate, which means your donations will be worth 25% more to us at no extra cost to you. 

Make a Will

Leaving a legacy to the Puffin Pool in a Will is one way of supporting us. 


We have been humbled by supporters bequeathing sums to the Pool when they pass away, making sure that they will always be remembered for their generosity.


The Puffin Pool is a charitable organisation, so any legacy left to us has Inheritance Tax advantages:


  • it is free of Inheritance Tax itself;

  • it can reduce the value of the rest of the estate that could be chargeable to Inheritance Tax; and

  • it can reduce the % rate of tax on the rest of the estate in certain circumstances.


You should contact a Solicitor for further advice about making or altering your Will.


No sum is too small and we thank you for considering it.


The Puffin Hydrotherapy Pool
Ferry Road
IV15 9QS

Scottish Registered Charity SC017786

Scottish Limited Company SC133596

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© 2023

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